
2022年7月14日 星期四

7/14 電子手環

累計抗原快篩46次  核酸36次。

上海稱復工超過一個月了,但上海居民都自由了嗎? 看了小區社群裡鄰居的PO文,上海居民就算到了目的地也無法自由活動,甚至要戴上手環,中國的防疫真的是沒有底線,唉


作品名稱: Still Life with Teapot and Fruit by Paul Gauguin


One of Gauguin’s most treasured possessions was a painting by Cézanne, Still Life with Fruit Dish, which he emulates in this picture.  (You know, Cézanne loved still lifes—you can check some of them in our Archive.)  Within a similarly compressed space, Gauguin substituted mangoes for Cézanne’s apples and a Tahitian-style printed cloth for a French floral wallpaper design. One significant departure is the human figure at the upper right, glimpsed through a door or window. The year after he completed this work, Gauguin’s finances were so dire that he arranged for the sale of his prized Cézanne.
