
2022年7月13日 星期三

7/13 百年紀錄

 累計抗原快篩46次 核酸35次 

上海持續多日高溫,據說追平上海有氣象記錄以來(1873年以來)最高氣溫紀錄。維持白天身處“烤箱”,夜晚再進“蒸箱”,到處是“熟人”的狀態。1873年是同治12年,據說那年徐家匯氣象站開設,哈,不知道追平的同治年幾年幾號? 對於中國每次說X百年來首次...都存疑,因為中國雖然有五千年歷史,但卻沒有些很精準的紀錄。


作品名稱: Two Ovals 藝術家: Wassily Kandinsky 材料: oil on canvas

This work is one of several compositions with ovals that Kandinsky painted in the late 1910s. Like the others, it is completely abstract, though one can also read associations with a certain objective reality. The small cupolas of the church and the fields, outlined by a black oval and seen from above, link this musical expressi on of the state of the artist’s soul to the real pictures of life that evoke such feelings and emotions.
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist. Kandinsky is generally credited as the pioneer of Abstract art. He had some interesting artistic ideas. For example, he expressed the communion between artist and viewer as being available to both the senses and the mind (synesthesia). Hearing tones and chords as he painted, Kandinsky theorized that (for example), yellow is the color of middle C on a brassy trumpet; black is the color of closure, and the end of things; and that combinations of colors produce vibrational frequencies, akin to chords played on a piano. He also developed a theory of geometric figures and their relationships—claiming, for example, that the circle is the most peaceful shape and represents the human soul.
