
2022年6月29日 星期三

WFH 6/29 大雨欲來

 累計抗原快篩46次  核酸28次。

下午正努力敲著電腦認真解答同事的疑惑,覺得視線越來越陰暗,心中暗想今天怎麼過得這麼快,一天又快要結束了嗎? 抬頭看時鐘才三點多怎麼天就黑了,看窗外就是如此的景象,一副山雨欲來風滿樓的景象,這是風雨前的寧靜,悶熱的午後來場大雨也不錯,希望藉大雨沖刷掉連日來的不爽跟煩悶。


作品名稱: Farm near Duivendrecht. 藝術家: Piet Mondrian 材料: oil on canvas  1916


Though Piet Mondrian is best known for his nonrepresentational paintings (which you can check out in our Archive), his basic vision was rooted in landscape. He was particularly inspired by the flat topography of his native Holland, a subject he returned to even after he had begun working in an abstract style after attending an exhibition of the Cubist paintings of Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in 1911. Mondrian first sketched this farm around 1905. Nine of the twenty known related paintings and drawings of the farm, however, were created later, during World War I. Mondrian likely returned to the subject because his wartime patrons generally preferred his earlier naturalistic compositions to his recent experiments with Cubism.
