
2022年6月5日 星期日


今天核酸,累計抗原快篩45次  核酸24次。



上海的房價如果冠上地鐵房、學區房,房價就相對抗跌,有的增長幅度很高。現在又多了一個指標判斷房價,那就是「核區房」,所謂「核區房」就是在小區內設有核酸專門檢測點,供居民自願採檢。(因為搭車、上班要看隨身碼,不採減刑嗎? 所以不是自願,是自費)


作品名称:Snowy Landscape with Arles in the Background.艺术家:Vincent Van Gogh.材料:oil on canvas.尺寸:50x60cm.创作年代:1888.

Disillusioned with Parisian artists’ café society and the oppressive gloom of the urban winter, Vincent van Gogh left Paris in mid-February 1888 to find rejuvenation in the healthy atmosphere of sun-drenched Arles. When he stepped off the train in the southern city, however, he was confronted by a snowy landscape, the result of a record cold spell. 
"Theo," Van Gogh wrote to his brother, "I am decidedly not a landscape painter; when I make landscapes there will always be something of a figure in them.” It seems an odd thing to say if untrue so let's take him at his word: we don't see any figure on this painting. 
