
2022年7月8日 星期五

WFH 7/8 震驚的一天

累計抗原快篩46次 核酸32次


今天有個讓人震驚的新聞:日本前首相安倍晉三8日遇刺身亡,根據日媒《NEWS Post Seven》報導,安倍晉三遭41歲兇手山上徹也從背後近距離槍殺身亡。安倍擔任日本首相時,頻頻釋放對台友善信息。卸任後又提出「台灣有事,等同日本有事,等同日美同盟有事」,引起台灣社會迴響。

日本政治人物主張對北京強硬,「抗中」的人非常多,但主張「親台」的政治家卻相對地少,但安倍很特別, 他是日本政壇上一位既主張「抗中」也「親台」的人物,在台灣也有較高人氣,他遇刺身亡真的讓人很遺憾跟惋惜



作品名称:Camille Monet on a Garden Bench.艺术家:Claude Monet.材料:oil  on canvas.尺寸:60.6x80.3cm.创作年代:1873.

Monet’s wife, Camille Doncieux, is as easily identifiable here as the mounds of geraniums in the garden of the couple’s house at Argenteuil. The same is true of her smart ensemble: the velvet and damask outfit closely resembles the look for spring 1873, as advertised in the March issue of the fashion periodical La Mode Illustré. Less clear is the nature of this enigmatic scene. Painted the year Camille’s father died, she telegraphs sadness while holding a note in her gloved hand. The top-hatted gentleman, later identified as a neighbor, has perhaps called to offer his condolences and a consoling bouquet.
