作品名称:Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Iyoba.艺术家:Unknown Artist.材料:carved ivory.尺寸:23.8x12.7x6.4cm.创作年代:16th century.
Have you ever heard of the Benin Bronzes? These are thousands of metal sculptures and ivory carvings made between the 15th and 19th centuries looted by British troops in 1897 from the West African kingdom of Benin, in modern day Nigeria's Edo state. During this so-called punitive expedition, soldiers burned the city and killed an unknown number of people, bringing the Kingdom of Benin to a violent end. Benin art is now spread around the world; the biggest collection of more than 900 pieces of art (not only bronzes) resides in the British Museum in London. Recently Nigeria demanded the restitution of the looted art; British Museum refuses to repatriate the plundered art, while Germany and France started the process of returning the masterpieces from their national collections.
Today we present a 16th-century ivory portrait of Queen Mother (Iyoba) Idia. It is one of four related ivory pendant masks that were among the prized regalia of the Oba of Benin (the traditional ruler and the custodian of the culture of the Edo people) and was among the prestige items taken by the British during the punitive expedition of 1897. Idia wears a headdress, a choker, scarification highlighted by iron inlay on the forehead, and all framed by the flange of an openwork tiara and collar of symbolic beings, as well as double loops at each side for attachment of the pendant. The Oba may have worn this mask at rites commemorating his mother, although today such pendants are worn at annual ceremonies of spiritual renewal and purification. Idia was the mother of Esigie, the Oba of Benin who ruled from 1504 to 1550. She played a significant role in the rise and reign of her son, being described as a great warrior who fought relentlessly before and during her son's reign.
3/14 上海採羊或密接就地隔離,怕員工困在公司,公司開始實施WFH。
3/16 KPO 下午通知關閉,在公司同事立刻逃離。
3/18 張江所有小區臨時管控管理,足不出戶,48小時封閉兩次核酸,小區進行第一輪 搓喉嚨。
3/19 小區完成第二次核酸,所有人開心等著解封。
3/21 & 3/22 小區第二輪第一次核酸跟第二次核酸 (累計核酸4次),前兩次都是全陰,為什麼不放大家出門?
3/23 小區第三輪一次核酸(累計核酸5次),此時還能在部分超市線上做零售採購
3/26 小區第四輪一次核酸(累計核酸6次),小區成立團購,還可以個人小單位買蔬菜、肉
3/28 小區第五輪一次核酸(累計核酸7次),上海繼續推行動態清零,浦東九個街鎮仍封閉管理。浦東政府發布公告"超市營業到3/28 24點,同時浦东浦西间禁止通行4天。" 史稱鴛鴦鍋式隔離。於是浦東很多人利用這解封的幾小時,衝到超市或市場搶物資,有引起了群聚感染風險。
3/30 小區第六輪一次核酸(累計核酸8次),張江居委發物資_蔬菜包。案新聞發布如果小區都是陰性也沒有羊的接觸者,4/1就可以解封。從此後蔬菜、肉...都採團購且量販方式購物,民生用品幾乎沒團,要靠對面超市進貨。
3/31 今天發了第二次物資2.5kg 大米跟一盒青團,看了大米發愁,他們說發米是為了長期封控。
4/1 小區全陰但是居委管控政策還是足不出戶,物業管家說明天開始有兩次核酸跟三次抗原,4/6左右可以解封但不保證。
4/2 被公告張江都成了管控區不管有沒有羊,防範區都升級照管控區管理,第1次自測抗原上傳疫測達
4/3 第2次自測抗原上傳疫測達,繼佳思多超市休業後,品直多聯華也停止服務,只剩寶島超市還在送貨,估計很快就沒有零售服務改大量或配套的銷售了。
4/4 小區第七輪一次核酸(累計核酸9次),上海市全員核酸,6日前出结果,羊者應收盡收後分區管理,逐步解封。江浙地區也準備了隔離酒店,成敗在此一舉,各地援滬醫務也抵達上海,上海人也梳妝打扮起做核酸。
4/6 ~4/9 ,4/11~4/12每天自測抗原累計8次自測抗原上傳疫測達,4/6張江發一包5公斤米還有兩包蓮花清溫膠囊,4/7發一瓶油、麵包、麵條、雞蛋。4/9 加碼測核酸(累計核酸10次)。
4/13 上下午各自測抗原累計 10次自測抗原上傳疫測達,香楠小區抗議旁邊小學被徵做方艙
4/15, 4/17每天自測抗原累計12次自測抗原上傳疫測達,4/16小區被誤植有羊,經居委書記查核沒有羊,小區屬於防範區,但仍按照之前張江鎮的通知升級照管控區管理,不能出小區。4/16收到公司第一批的蔬菜包。4/17 張江發物資包含衛生紙、鹽巴、火腿腸、紅燒獅子頭、馬鈴薯、黃瓜、包菜跟乾香菇。小學改為解隔離人員臨時居住所。
4/20 自測抗原累計13次,自測抗原上傳疫測達。品質多回來了。中國ZF發的保供食品有食安問題,居委請大家停止食用。
4/21 自測抗原累計14次,自測抗原上傳疫測達。Volvo的補給真牛。
4/22 小區第九輪一次核酸(累計核酸11次),終於等到三噸半。
4/23 自測抗原累計15次,拚單一瓶葡萄汁,上海人被練成段子手。上海的"四月之聲 "影片上萬人發上萬次被刪。
4/24 自測抗原累計16次,週日補五一的班
4/25 自測抗原累計17次,北京百姓坐擁物資等封城。
4/26 緊急通知核酸改自測抗原,累計18次。認識了趙俊忠畫家
4/27 小區第十輪一次核酸(累計核酸12次),ZF物資又發了米、鹹蛋、餅乾、糖、麵包、油、牙膏,前三樣捐.
4/28 自測抗原累計19+1次,明天起張江店面不允許配送
4/30 自測抗原累計22次,上海清零了
5/1 自測抗原累計23次,上海發布 vs 居委發布
5/2 自測抗原累計24次,聽說要解封了,別人已經解封了
5/3 小區第十一輪一次核酸(累計核酸13次),發出入証
5/4 自測抗原累計25次,放風了
5/4 自測抗原累計26次,臨時出入證取消了