看到小區團購小程式_挖特!!! 團月餅!!!粽子節還沒過呢!你講一講節氣時另好嗎?有這麼亂過日子的嗎?有像上海這麼亂過日子的嗎? 清明節沒有,勞動節也沒有,現在端午也被端了嗎?
人文書吧裡赵俊忠老師今天分享 Fedir Krychevskyi的畫_Family。Fedir Krychevskyi是烏克蘭畫家也是社會寫實主義畫家,這個作品結合了新藝術運動和烏克蘭宗教繪畫的元素。每幅畫都分別包含著永恆的生命主題——愛、成就和失落。這幅Family 是不是想到今年二月開打的俄烏戰爭,願戰爭早點結束,烏克蘭人民能不被戰爭摧殘。
作品名称:Family. The central part of triptych “Life”.艺术家:Fedir Krychevskyi.材料:tempera on canvas.尺寸:148x133.5cm.创作年代:1925-1929
Fedir Krychevsky was an influential Ukrainian early modernist painter. In 1917, he was one of the founders and a rector of the Ukrainian State Academy of Arts. When the academy was abolished, he worked as a professor at the Kyiv State Art Institute, eventually becoming its rector. He remained in Kyiv at the onset of the Second World War, and kept his position at the institute, trying to save it in difficult conditions during the German occupation of Kyiv. He served as the chairman of the Union of Ukrainian Artists that tried to improve the conditions of artists during the occupation.
He moved to Königsberg in the summer of 1943 to join his brother Vasyl. He attempted to flee west to escape the advancing Soviet troops, but the train in which he was traveling was overtaken. Krychevsky was arrested by the NKVD as a collaborator, but his interrogations elicited nothing that could incriminate him, so he was stripped of all his titles and honors and sent to internal exile to the village of Irpin near Kyiv, where he died of starvation during the famine in 1947.
As a participator of many international and Ukrainian exhibitions of the 1920s and 1930s, Krychevsky was a favorite of the International Venetian Biennale of 1928, where he first showed the central panel of his highly praised triptych Life. The painting demonstrates a modern treatment of the refined surface (lineal rhythm and the harmony of similar colors), as well as features of medieval monumental wall painting. It combines the elements Art Nouveau and Ukrainian Religious paintings. Life remains one of the iconic examples of Ukrainian modernism. Each painting contains respectively eternal themes of life: love, achievement, and loss.
@所有人 【紧急通知】
我: 這是甚麼意思?早上做的抗原自測算甚麼? 這是月底衝業績嗎?口香糖才有一次吃兩粒,抗原也搞一天統兩次?
Tiffany :應該是和賣抗原盒的公司有承諾購買量。
Jean: 現在台灣人要搶快篩,去買還要實名制。 台灣人民要自費自己捅。
我: 為什麼台灣人要搶試劑?沒篩不能出門或是沒篩不能上班上課?
Jean: 我也無法理解 喜歡搶購….(歷年百貨週年慶活動的習慣吧。)
我: 下面的玩意是用試劑做的,推薦給台灣朋友們,廢物利用喔。如果集滿是既可以跟台灣政府換錢或積分,就不建議拿來堆積木,換錢比較實際。